Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Too much to blog.


      I have such a food baby right now, same as every night. Anna (the owner and chef of the hotel) is a SWEET HEART! She feeds us until we can't possibly fit anything else in our stomach, and is just the nicest lady. It's super nice to be able to sit down to an hour and a half long dinner every night, because we all need time to unwind. It's always go go go go here, all day everyday, and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. There is no way I have only been here for two weeks... We have done so much! I'm not complaining, I've enjoyed every second of it, but man, I didn't know it was possible to do so much in so little time. It makes me excited for all the upcoming adventures! 
Today at school we had our second exam so far, and I feel like it went well. I got 18.5 on our last one, which was shocking but exciting, and I'm anxious to see what I got on today's. I have high hopes! We have learned so much Italian it's insane and almost seems impossible. Our teacher is great and knows how to really throw us into the language. After school we had about an hour break, and then we left to the city of Lucca. 
Here's one of our good friends. Ironically, his name is Dylan! And he acts so much
like Dill back at home. Even though our Dill is definitely not replaceable, it's nice to have
one around for the next three months ;)

Braxton and our friend Sam

Yes, another kissing pic. . .

They call Lucca "Italy's best kept secret", which is nice because there weren't many tourists around while we were there, and it is absolutely gorgeous and so interesting there! I'd never even heard of it, but there is actually a ton of history in the area. Braxton took notes during our tour. It's cute. I'm getting attacked by bugs as I'm writing this, so you're welcome. 

Gosh dangit, I don't know what to say. I'm tired and sore and overwhelmed and yes, I'm homesick. I'm terribly homesick. Mekenze had her baby and I want him and miss him and love him. And I'm homesick.

But I'm having fun. 
Here's more pictures. 
If they ever load.
Cause not only does wifi suck, but my computer charger makes noises and sparks when I plug it in, so hopefully this blog thing continues to work out!


1 comment:

  1. I hope you can still blog too! This is super entertaining! Btw, Dill and I are in the chemistry class now and instead of taking notes the other day, we just stalked your blog :P And I love that you still have a Dill around hahaha
